Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Highway of Lights

All Photos Taken By: Kyrstin Stratton

Taken Above Interstate 78 California

These are Long Exposure photos. They where taken with 4-10 second shutter speeds. That might not seem very long but in camera time it is. Any exposure longer than a second without a tripod can become blurry. Essentially the faster the Shutter Speed the better the photo if you are caring the camera in your hands. But tripods are definitely a great resource. Some of the most beautiful and fun photos to me tend to require a tripod and longer exposure. For the two photos of the what seem to be the highway I set up my tripod and camera on an over pass. I set the camera to Bulb for the shutter speed and a 20 for the Aperture. My ISO was on the lowest it would go which is 100. I waited for a lot of traffic to start heading towards me from both directions. Then I pressed down the trigger button for about 2- 10 seconds. Then the next day I went into Photoshop and adjusted the vibrancy, cropped it to how I thought looked best. I also adjusted the levels and contrasts of the photo.

Taken above Interstate 15 California

In the photo below I used the same settings on the camera. But instead of using a tripod I took this photo as an experiment while I was in the car on the way to the site where I took the photo above. I pulled out the camera and got as close to the windshield while my mom was driving. It is a bunch of cars but I was moving too. I loved the different look to the picture so I used it. I edited the vibrancy and then copied and flipped the photo. (Cut it out wish the Marquee tool the copied it as a different layer. Then flipped it [Edit > Transform > Flip]) I moved it to the place I liked it to be and flattened the image.

Taken on Interstate 15

Special thank to my Mom :) She's awesome! 
And no your duties for mother of the year aren't over.

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