Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Desert Sunrise Double Exposer

Taken 9/3/13
Photo by:Kyrstin Stratton
For this photo I took a picture of myself and a photo of a sunrise in Ocotillo Wells. First I needed to make sure the two photos fit into each other. Once that was done I copied the picture of myself and pasted it onto the photo of the desert sunrise. Then I cut myself out using the magic wand tool, and erased everything that's in my background (of the top and bottom photos). Then I changed the portrait settings from "normal" to "overlay". It then looked like it does above.  And that is it. If you have a little extra time you can even "dodge" some parts of the photos to make it look even clearer, but you don't have to.

Anahi x6

Taken 8/26/13 and edited 8/28-30
Photo by: Kyrstin Stratton

This photo really shows us the crazy and fun times we have in class, all while learning new things about photography. This picture took many tries to get just right. I took 6 different pictures of Anahi and put them all together in Photoshop. To do so I picked the pictures that I wanted and put them in a stack in Photoshop. Then I picked my background picture (which is the photo I place the 5 other Anahi's on top of that particular photo). After that I went to another picture and used the magnetic lasso and cut her out from all the photos I took. Such as where she is laying on the ground I used the magnetic lasso and circled her in it (so to speak) and copied her body onto another layer. I did the same thing with the rest of the bodies and placed the copied image layers right above my background photo. Then is the colors didn’t really match up perfectly I used the eraser to get in as close as I can to her body. After I finished all the editing I needed to do I flattened the image and it all became one photo.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This is Me

Taken on my front lawn about 3 months ago
Photo by: Kyrstin Stratton

I'm a simple girl in a large world. When it's not desert season you can find me working hard on my photography, fighting for a cure for breast cancer, and paving my way into my future to become a Navy nurse. I work hard for what I want, and don't let anything get in my way. I am headstrong and straight forward. I believe it's better to know the hurtful truth than a painless lie. I'm a senior in Orange Glen High School. I grew up in Escondido, CA. My mom's from Georgia and my dad is from right here in town. I have a typical red neck family with "farmer tans" and blue jeans. Big trucks and country music is what I was raised on because of my mom. But my dad on the other hand is a total rock star at heart, but a forest fire fighter in life. So AC/DC lyrics are in my blood. I listen to almost every kind of music out there. My favorite band is Black Veil Brides. It's definitely my dad's blood showing there. Pepsi, and the LA Dodgers are my addiction. I live for being in the desert. The heat and the thrill of riding on the dunes is amazing. My wish for when I die is to be cremated and my ashes to be thrown out into the air on top of blow sand out in Ocotillo Wells. Until I die I will fight for a cure for the cancer that my grandmother died of, breast cancer. My mom was in collage to become a veterinarian and my grandma told her to switch her studies so that my mom could take care of her. My mom fell in love with it and furthered her studies. I remember crawling into my mom's lap while she was studying and telling her it was time for bed. "About an hour later" my mom told me, "I'd realize you where fast asleep in my lap." I'd watch my mom take care of her patients and I knew I wanted to just what she was doing. Following my mom's footsteps and become an RN. It wasn't until about the 6th grade that I realized that the Navy was where I needed to go to get my education. My goal is to travel the world and help people that are sick or injured. Photography is a passion/hobby it probably won't go any further than my own files, but I still enjoy it.