Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Photo Taken by: Kyrstin Stratton

I took this photo outside of my photography class room. I set up the tripod and took a picture  with the perfect balance. Then, I took 2 photos under exposed and 2 over exposed. All not in the same ex-poser.When I was done and happy with the photos I took I plugged in the camera into the computer and downloaded the photos. I opened Photoshop and got to work. At the top left hand corner I clicked on "file went down to automate then over to "Merge to HDR" I clicked on the photos I wanted to use, made sure the box saying "Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images" is checked. then pressed "OK". Made the photos a 32 bit image and adjusted white point. Then I had to change the bit 16 or 8. I then could adjust settings in the photo to how I most enjoyed it. After that I saved it and POW it was done :)

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